Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are a relatively inexpensive, long-lasting way to restore missing teeth. If you have lost one or more teeth due to periodontal disease, tooth decay, or an accident, a dental bridge from Dr. Max Meinerz or Dr. Kyle Krueger of Honest Teeth may be the right choice for you.


What Is A Dental Bridge?

A dental bridge uses two crowns and an artificial tooth to restore a missing tooth. The crowns sit on the teeth adjacent to the missing tooth, and the artificial tooth literally “bridges” the gap, replacing the missing tooth.

A dental bridge allows you to speak and chew normally, and also prevents your remaining teeth from shifting, which is common if missing teeth go untreated.

How Are Dental Bridges Placed?  

The process of building and placing a dental bridge is quite simple to understand. It’s non-invasive, and can usually be performed in just a few appointments over several weeks.

First, the two “abutment” teeth adjacent to your missing tooth will be prepared. Enamel material is removed from these teeth so that they provide a stable platform for the crowns. 

Then, digital images and impressions of your teeth are taken. This information is sent to a third-party lab, where the dental bridge will be manufactured. The bridge is custom-built to fit your mouth perfectly, and to mimic the shape and appearance of your natural teeth. Dr. Meinerz or Dr. Krueger will place a temporary bridge to protect your teeth until the permanent bridge has been manufactured. 

When you come in for a second appointment, the dental bridge will be checked for quality and fit, and may be adjusted slightly for your comfort. Once the fit is perfect, the doctor will secure it in place with a permanent dental adhesive.


The Advantages Of Dental Bridges

Dental bridges have several advantages that may make them a good choice for you.

  • Non-invasive – The placement of a dental bridge is a non-invasive procedure. It’s a great option for patients who cannot have surgery.
  • Affordable – A dental bridge is a cost-effective option, and is usually covered by dental insurance plans. 
  • Fast treatment time – Dental bridges only take about 2-3 weeks to be placed, depending on how quickly the bridge can be manufactured.


Schedule A Consultation With Honest Teeth Today! 

If you’re interested in a dental bridge in Elm Grove, contact Honest Teeth right away. Dr. Meinerz and Dr. Krueger are both highly experienced restorative dentists, and can place your dental bridge in no time. After an exam and consultation, the doctors will determine whether or not you’re a candidate for a dental bridge, or if an alternative treatment like a partial denture or dental implant may be right for you. 

Call us today at (262) 784-7770, or come to our office in Elm Grove at 15255 Watertown Plank Road Suite 100, Elm Grove, WI 53122. 

