We all want our teeth to be in the best possible shape, color, and alignment. However, occasionally, certain teeth experience a condition known as impaction.

If we apply the definition of the word "impact"—the lodgment of anything that causes it to become fixed—to teeth, teeth become impacted if they fail to naturally erupt but instead remain in the improper position in the jaws.

In reality, various issues can arise as a result of teeth that are impacted in the gums or bones, but first, let's learn more about the potential reasons why this might happen.

It's important to note that the canines and wisdom teeth are most frequently impacted.

Tooth impaction could be caused by:

1-Small jaws: When there is insufficient room in the jaw for the teeth to erupt, the teeth remain dormant and impaction results.

2. Crowding: In some situations, the jaws are already overcrowded due to the presence of extra teeth, making it impossible to find room for the wisdom teeth, which are most likely erupting.

3. Big teeth: Many people already have teeth that are too big for their mouths, leaving no room for the new tooth to grow in.

4-Displaced or deformed teeth: In order for teeth to erupt normally, they must not be twisted, distorted, or displaced since this stops the teeth from following their usual route of eruption and, as a result, hinders the teeth from reaching their final, correct location.

There are a few things you should be aware of if you have impacted teeth. First, you need to understand how these disorders affect both the impacted tooth and the teeth around it.

It's better to be aware that tooth impaction frequently has no symptoms but frequently leads to major issues:

1- It may result in a crooked bite because the impacted tooth pushes neighboring teeth out of place, leading to functional issues.

2-It may cause gingival inflammation and periodontitis: When a tooth only partially emerges, it retains plaque, germs, food particles, and other debris surrounding it, which results in pericoronitis and soft tissue inflammation in addition to bone loss.

3. It may lead to tooth decay. An impacted tooth's neighboring teeth are frequently found to have tooth decay because there are more retentive sites to trap food and bacteria. As a result, tooth decay is more likely to occur.

As we previously mentioned, you can be fortunate and not experience any symptoms from your impacted tooth, but be aware that it can also produce some bothersome ones:

1. Jaw and gum pain.

2. A persistent headach

3. Badtaste when biting.

4-The gums' redness and swelling.

5- Lymphnode swelling

6. A mouth that is difficult to open.

If you have an impacted tooth, don't be alarmed; simply contact Honest Teeth. Our staff will take an x-ray to confirm the diagnosis and will also prescribe over-the-counter medications and warm saline solution, both of which will be very soothing to your gums.

The only option when symptoms are severe is to have the impacted tooth extracted, which should be done by our staff at Honest Teeth.

If you believe you are experiencing impaction issues, call us at 262-784-7770.